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MultiConnect® Conduit™ Starter Kit for LoRa®Technology - Ethernet version with GPS

Quickly get your LoRa proof of concept up, running and connected to the cloud


P.S## Multitech do not have the AU cellular version pre-build, but we could offer a self upgrade kit to upgrade the unit with Cellular capability, Please contact us for the ELE-MTCDT-3Gupgrade-KIT and ELE-MTCDT-LEU1upgrade-KIT



The MultiConnect® Conduit™ Starter Kit for LoRa® Technology provides everything needed to rapidly get your LoRa proof of concept up, running and connected to the cloud – all in one box.  The MultiConnect Conduit Starter Kit is designed to enable you to obtain sensor information and display it in the cloud within minutes of opening the box.  The starter kit features the MultiConnect® Conduit™ – the industry’s most configurable, manageable, and scalable cellular communications gateway for industrial IoT applications.

MultiTech understands how difficult and frustrating it can be to get your IoT idea assembled and working properly and has designed the MultiConnect Conduit Starter Kit to greatly speed up and enhance your experience developing with LoRa technology.  We’ve reduced the hassle and complexity needed to properly integrate the different elements of any LoRa IoT idea – sensors, gateways, end points, LAN and WAN communications and cloud integration – and get them working together in a functioning LoRa application.  All major components of the MultiConnect Conduit Starter Kit are pre-configured for use with the Conduit platform and select MultiTech cloud platforms and only require simple actions to finish set-up.



  • Pre-configured Conduit, mDot Box and cloud connectors simplify and quicken PoC or site survey execution
  • Out-of-the-box connectivity to leading IoT Cloud platforms enables data insight, analytics, and visualization in minutes
  • All MultiConnect Conduit LoRa components required for connectivity from edge sensors to the Cloud bundled together in one box to reduce confusion and simplify IoT PoC ordering process 
  • Remotely configure and optimize the Conduit performance through DeviceHQ® IoT Application Store and Device Management platform



  • Temperature, light, pressure, and accelerometer sensors plus GPS included in the MultiConnect mDot Box
  • EU868 and US915, AS923, AU915 MHz for Europe, North America and Australia 
  • Flexibility to conduct LoRa Site Survey and/or develop end-to-end LoRa proof of concepts from scratch support virtually unlimited IoT use case needs 
  • With GPS built in 


Datasheet:           LoRa New starter kit.pdf


MTCDT-246A-STARTERKIT-915 - Multitech MultiConnect Conduit New Starter Kit for LoRa Technology


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